Atlas is an advanced humanoid robot developed by Boston Dynamics, a leading robotics company based in the United States. First unveiled in 2013, Atlas has undergone several iterations, with each new version pushing the boundaries of robotic capabilities.
Humanoid.Guide skill score: 6/10 This score reflects our overall skill rating of the humanoid robot on a scale of 1 to 10.
Additional information
Walking Speed [km/h] | 6 |
Weight [kg] | 89 |
Status | Prototype |
Strength [kg] | 18 |
Navigation performance | high |
Manipulation performance | low |
Runtime pr charge (hours) | 3 |
Height [cm] | 150 |
DOF (degrees of freedom) | 20 |
Running speed (km/h) | 9 |
H.G skill score | 6 |
Standing at approximately 5 feet tall and weighing around 190 pounds, Atlas is designed to navigate challenging terrains and perform complex tasks. The robot’s most recent iteration, revealed in April 2024, marks a significant leap forward in humanoid robotics technology.One of Atlas’s most impressive features is its mobility. The robot can walk, run, jump, and even perform backflips with remarkable agility. Its ability to maintain balance while navigating uneven surfaces and responding to unexpected forces is particularly noteworthy. This dynamic balancing capability allows Atlas to move through diverse environments, from cluttered indoor spaces to rough outdoor terrains.
The humanoid is equipped with an array of sensors, including LIDAR and stereo vision systems, which provide it with a comprehensive understanding of its surroundings. These sensors enable the robot to map its environment in real-time, detect obstacles, and plan its movements accordingly.
The robot’s dexterity is another standout feature. With its articulated hands and arms, Atlas can manipulate objects with precision, opening doors, picking up tools, and even performing tasks that require fine motor skills. This capability makes Atlas potentially useful in a wide range of applications, from search and rescue operations to industrial tasks.
One of the most significant advancements in the latest version of Atlas is its transition from hydraulic to fully electric actuation. This change has resulted in a robot that is stronger, more compact, and capable of a broader range of motion than its predecessors. The new Atlas can move and bend its body in ways that even exceed human capabilities.Boston Dynamics has consistently pushed the boundaries of what Atlas can do, demonstrating its capabilities through a series of impressive videos. These have shown the robot performing parkour, gymnastics routines, and even dance choreographies, capturing the public’s imagination and showcasing the rapid advancements in robotics technology.
While initially developed as a research platform, Boston Dynamics is now positioning Atlas for real-world applications, particularly in industrial and logistics settings. The company envisions Atlas working alongside humans in manufacturing environments, potentially revolutionizing industries that require both physical strength and dexterity.As Atlas continues to evolve, it represents a significant step towards creating versatile, intelligent humanoid robots capable of operating in human-centric environments. Its development not only pushes the boundaries of robotics technology but also raises important questions about the future of human-robot interaction and the role of robots in society.